Our mission is to make business communication better for everyone, and to empower those who are held to a higher standard.
No one benefits when marketing is bad. These days, typical business communications are outdated, paint-by-numbers, or hyperbolic. This comes at the expense of trust and goodwill. Sometimes a large ad agency dreams up a campaign: Obsessed with creativity for creativity’s sake, social issues are name-dropped, but the issue of a clear promise to the customer avoided entirely. Selling to consumers can be fun, sexy, borderline-deceptive. But such sensationalist marketing is unbecoming in rigorous professions—law, finance, medicine, consulting, etc. Yet the need to stand out and inspire is universal.
Today’s messaging is constant. This makes it hard to stand out for professional firms and people that want to offer their exceptional service without the fluff. And it makes it difficult for clients, wanting exactly that, to find them. That’s why we use our unique ability to unite art and science to equip our clients with business communication that is aesthetic, professional, highly seductive—all at the same time. This requires more than just finesse. It takes a principled approach.
Hard-earned lessons in business and advertising have led us to define a small number of business axioms: simple rules, guiding principles. These don’t just allow us to deal with the constant change of today’s complex, hyper-communicative marketplace. They allow us to deliver our creative service to clients at an consistent level—always exceptional.
1. Analysis, strategy, creativity. In that order.
2. Hard decisions make marketing easy.
3. No empty slogans. Ever.
4. Pretensions are short-sighted.
5. Beauty is persuasion.
Leandro Alexander Mehrmann
— Founder, Principal Copywriter
Leandro Alexander has had a knack for the artistic since the age of three. In late 2014, while preparing to leave the military, he started offering his creative services professionally for the first time, founding a small digital agency in the process.
The hard transition to entrepreneurship was a rude awakening in many ways. It was hard, and educational. It was fun, too. Projects were taken on; more businesses were built. He even set foot in a digital division of one of those ‘pot-bellied legacy ad-agencies with a prestigious name’. But it didn’t take long to see some major problems with the industry—most of which come at the expense of the client, and the consumers.
In 2018, with numerous projects under his belt, Leandro decided to funnel his talents into a more narrow band of creative service: copywriting and brand positioning. ‘This,’ he says, ‘‘is where most mistakes are made.’ Since then his work has enabled revenue well beyond the seven-figure mark for variously sized businesses in virtually all major industries—including tech, finance, healthcare, fitness, real estate, publishing, consumer products, agriculture and more.
Today, he offers his communication expertise to other professionals. Many of lacking a method that can combine the sober, facts-based approach their professions require with the aesthetic and seductive power of creative advertising. What could be a better fit?
Leandro Alexander is bilingual (English/German) and currently based in Frankfurt a.M, Germany.
“Truth is strong enough to overcome all human sophistries.”
— Aeschines